Monday, November 8, 2010

~Friend's opinion~

My friend...he dislikes poetry,

I ask an opinion on one of my poems and he is unsure,
So...I say

"What if it's not a poem but a beginning of a new story?"

There was a simply reply of changing the subject,
That made me laugh,
My friends...Can't live without them! :D

Sunday, November 7, 2010

*I see you like a star in the sky*

My eyes are opened,

Opened to worlds I could of never imagined,
To smell the fresh sweet scent of rain,
Or to hear the silent calls of creatures that lurk in the mysterious forestry,
In which captures my pupils that gleam in the moonlit night,
My head lifts up to the dark sky this is soon lit by named stars,
Andromeda,Delphinus,and Perseus all shine down upon me,
Gently catching the light that rests in my eyes...